Bloodborne How To Get To Cainhurst
- Library 1F:
Although there is a large number of Castle Spirits s in this room, because they move relatively slowly, it's quite easy to progress through the room and dispatch them systematically as you approach them. If a group of them starts moving towards you, however, it can help to use the tables to impede their progress and funnel them into more manageable numbers. A Servant at the back of the room will start firing at you with its blowgun if you go towards the back of the room, so try to clear out all of the enemies in the first half before progressing further.While you're in the back half of the room, make use of the protruding bookshelves to shield yourself from the incoming darts. The darts themselves deal very little damage, but if you do get hit, a mark will appear above you character, allowing Castle Spirits to detect you from a short distance away, even if they have no direct line of sight. To reach the chest on the right-hand side of the room you'll need to climb the small set of stairs in front of the tables that are blocking your access, and then run off the top, so that you land on those tables. Because there's little cover while going for the chest, it's best to leave it until you have killed the enemies in the room.
- Library Shortcut:
Just outside the doorway here you'll find a chest containing the Vileblood Register, and beyond it is an elevator that will take you back up to the Castle Grounds, creating a shortcut back to the Lamp. Given the easy access you now have back to this room, it's worthwhile taking a trip back to the Hunter's Dream to use any Blood Echoes and Bloodstones you have acquired up to this point. - Library 2F:
The darts from the candelabra-carrying Servants on this floor are different from the others in that instead of placing a mark on you, the darts simply inflict a lot of damage and flinch you. Fighting the other enemies while trying to avoid incoming darts can be difficult, so it's best to work your way around the room without being spotted by those particular Servants. Most of the other Servants here are also busy with their cleaning duties, so as long as you're walking slowly and don't go into their direct line of sight, you can move about relatively freely. - Secluded Reading Room:
The Executioner's Gloves, along with most parts of the Knight's Attire can be found in this room, but you'll have to fight your way through a number of enemies to reach them. In addition to the usual Castle Spirits, this room contains a slightly different type that will emit a high-pitched scream from its severed head. This will paralyze you if you're within its radius, leaving you totally open to attack from other enemies. The mark placed on you if you're hit by a dart from the Servant in this room becomes a serious threat, since it will cause the Castle Spirits to react much sooner than they otherwise would have.
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Click on the map for full resolution, © Bloodborne Collector's Edition Guide by Future Press. |
- Library Balcony:
While you can drop straight down from the ledges to the balcony below, doing so would cause you to take unnecessary damage and miss out on an item, so it's better to navigate them properly. Follow the highest ledge to the end just past the window, and then drop down in the gap between it and the gargoyle to land on another ledge below, with an item on it. After picking up the item, turn around and walk back underneath the ledge you started on and drop down again. From this position, you can either keep going straight ahead and drop onto the wall near the Statue Storage area, or turn around and follow it along until you can drop onto the balcony. As soon as you touch the balcony, a Lost Child will come flying down to the middle of the area, and if you're quick, you can attack it while it's still trying to land. Killing that enemy quickly is advised, because a second one will fly down after a short time. - Castle Ledges:
At the end of the balcony there's a small gap in the railings that you can walk through to drop onto a ledge. From there, you can climb a small rooftop to reach another ledge. About halfway along the second ledge you'll come to an open window that you can drop through, but before doing that it's worth continuing on to the next rooftop at the end. There's an item sitting the base of the tower on this rooftop, and if you kook above it you'll spot a Lost Child perched higher up on the tower; if you have any ranged attack options, use them to knock the enemy off its perch, otherwise it will swoop down to ambush you when you pick up the item.
- Secret Bookcase:
There are no enemies in this section of the library, so once you enter you can pull the switch in the middle straight away to move a section of the bookcase nearby, restoring the ladder leading up to the third floor. With that section of the bookcase moved, you can easily return to the main part of the library, and therefore make use of the shortcut back to the Lamp if you wish. The upcoming boss fight can be difficult, so it's highly recommended that you make all possible preparations before continuing.
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Click on the map for full resolution, © Bloodborne Collector's Edition Guide by Future Press. |
- Library 3F:
Upon first reaching this floor you'll see a chest almost directly ahead of you, which contains a prized Warm Blood Gemstone that can be placed in any weapon slot to increase its Bloodtinge scaling. The only other thing on this floor is a Wandering Nightmare in the middle of the balcony on the opposite side, so it's worth going around and killing it for the Twin Bloodstone Shards that it drops, before looping back around and going up the stairs to the rooftop. - Library Rooftop:
When you first see the Lost Child patrolling the area around the item on this rooftop you'll notice that it has glowing red eyes, which indicates that it's a lot stronger than the normal versions. To add to the threat, if you get close to the item two more Lost Children will come swooping down from a tower in the distance; fighting all three at the same time is extremely dangerous. Luring the first enemy away from the item using a Pebble or other ranged attack from the ridge in the middle of the roof will allow you to fight it without having to worry about the other two flying in. When you get close to the item and trigger the enemies to fly in, try to attack one of them while it's still in the air to knock it down and gain an early advantage. - Spire Rooftops:
One of the corners of the Library Rooftop has a spire protruding from it, and looking over the edge reveals that you can drop down onto another section of the rooftops. Follow the curvature of the spire rooftop around, until you're directly above a narrow section of rooftop below it, and then drop down again. Half way along this narrow section you'll come to another spire, and if you drop down onto that and follow it around you'll be able to drop down a final time onto a bridge. The ladder at the end of the bridge will take you up to another large rooftop. The lack of enemies just adds to the building tension; passing beneath the archway at the end of the upward sloping path will begin the battle with Martyr Logarius. - BOSS Martyr Logarius:
The battle with Martyr Logarius can be very tough due to the sheer number of projectiles he can launch at you, so always try to use one of the spires on the rooftop to block them. When you finally defeat him not only will you gain access to the Logarius' Seat Lamp, but a new item will appear on the ground near the entrance. This item is the Crown of Illusions, and it is said to have the power to reveal an illusion. Equip it and walk towards the wall behind Logarius' throne - the path to the Queen's Chamber is revealed. - Queen's Chamber:
Climbing the long set of stairs beyond the newly-revealed door will lead you to the chambers of the Vileblood Queen, Annalise, and she can be found sitting on her throne at the back of the room. Just before you reach her you'll find the Vileblood Queen's Chamber Lamp that you can light to travel straight back to this room. Off to one side in the corner is an Unopened Summons sitting on a table. If you pick it up you'll be able to give it to Alfred if you wish to help him complete his mission. When you approach the Queen there will be the option to kneel, and if you do so you can elect to join her, becoming one of the Vilebloods. Joining her and swearing the oath will also get you the Corruption Caryll Rune, Respect Gesture and the Cainhurst Badge to increase your shop inventory, so even if you do not intend to stay with the Vilebloods, it's worth joining up to get the items.
Bloodborne How To Get To Cainhurst
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